Aleksey Chadov doesn't want to show his darling

One of the most popular actors today do not even think about making family. He has very suspicious attitude to women. He also doesn't believe in friendship with women. Is he romantic just on screen?
It appears that not. Indeed, now for Chadov Jr. work is in the first place. But he has a woman he loves. However, he's talking very gently about her - he still isn't sure whether she is his second half. Aleksey believes that decent women never get acquainted first. Those who are acquainted only through his fame and for a purpose, just get a rebuff - says
"I like nice women. There is such a notion. I love beautiful, well maintained, with sense in their eyes. As if the woman has everything. You look and think: ', she's beautiful! "- But do not see sense. Or you see, but it's material, and the material world - is secondary. Initially - soul, love, and all these diamonds, cars, jewelry - are just things ", - told the artist.
Wrong title — Фдулыун Срфвщм вщуытэе цфте ещ ырщц ршы вфкдштп
Tags: Aleksey Chadov, love, women
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