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Igor Krutoy now is the People's Artist of Ukraine

26 August, 18:38


The president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych awarded the composer and producer Igor Krutoy with the title People's Artist of Ukraine.

The title was awarded to Igor Krutoy "for significant personal contribution to strengthening the international authority of Ukraine, promoting its historical heritage and modern achievements and on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine", said the presidential decree on awarding state awards of Ukraine the citizens of foreign countries - writes

Igor Krutoy - People's Artist of Russia (1996), Honored Artist of Russia (1992), composer, one of the founders of New Wave Festival in Jurmala, music producer of Russian "Star Factory-4."
Wrong title — Шпщк Лкгещн тщц шы еру Зущздуэы Фкешые ща Глкфшту

26 August, 18:38


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