Jamala doesn't want to have children yet
Singer Jamala believes that the number of children in her family will depend on the husband and her father wants her to marry Crimean Tatar.
Susanna Dzhamalatdinova, better known as Jamala, in an interview with "E-motion" , admitted with a smile that she wasn't going to marry.
"There is a man, who I like, and hopefully, he likes me too" - she only said in reply to a question about the boyfriend.
According to Singer, the man has nothing to do with show business and "is not creative person at all."
To become a mother is also too early for her:
"Not yet. This feeling has to come. Virtually all of my girlfriends and friends constantly say that they want a baby. I say that I want the album, or want to go on tour. Understand - this is not because of selfishness. I just want my children, when they'll appear, to understand truly that I don't spend time in vain. But I'm working for myself and for their future."
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