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Patricia Kaas can't have children

30 August, 19:30


French singer Patricia Kaas admitted that she can't have a baby.

This artist said in the Russian Culture Festival in Cannes, which runs under the patronage of the Russian president's wife Svetlana Medvedeva, writes "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

To the question whether she is going to wind up children, 44-year-old Kaas admitted:

"Recently, doctors have told me that I can't have children. It was a blow, I grew up in a large family and I know that children bring happiness. Can a dog replace the baby? Probably not. But my Tequila is a faithful friend with whom I don't separate."
Wrong title — Зфекшсшф Лффы сфтэе рфму сршдвкут

30 August, 19:30


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