Dmitriy Duzhev will be pregnant in "Titanic Cinema"

"Titanic Cinema" starts to prepare a premier of sparkling comedy "Pregnant" with Dmitriy Duzhev starring.
The protagonist - Sergei Dobroliubov (Dmitriy Duzhev), a leading of the news block on the music channel. Being conservative and old-fashioned man he is the object of constant ridicule of colleagues. His family life is also not so smoothly, despite the fact that he is married to a beautiful girl and the marriage is in principle very successful. But there is one "but" - his wife can't have children.
So, they just hope for a miracle that happens soon. In this situation there is only one hitch - this is Sergei, who's become pregnant. A friend of Sergei named Jora persuaded him to make a sensation with what happened, to gain fame and earn good money. And soon, Sergei is a true star of TV show called "Pregnant".
Fans of domestic comedy will obviously like this comedy, which will become an outstanding cinema event of this fall - wrote
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Tags: Dmitriy Duzhev, comedy, pregnancy
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