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Pregnant Svetlana Loboda Wearing No Knickers Shocks the Public

22 February, 22:08


According to “ Viva” magazine at about 7 pm Svetlana Loboda appeared on the red carpet of the ceremony awards in nomination “ The Most Beautiful People of Ukraine”.

The grand event took place in Ukraine National Palace on 19 February 2011. 

Of course, the guests and spectators got almost used to scandalous tricks of the ex- “ Virgo-Nu”, but none of those present could have predicted that the pregnant singer would have decided to shock the public with the absence of lingerie under her transparent dress. 

Right after posing on the red carped Svetlana disappeared in her changing room and showed up again only during the concert, singing her new song “ Spasibo” ( Thank you). However, all the attention of the star hall of Ukraine Palace was paid exclusively to the rounded belly of the performer.
Wrong title — Зкуптфте Ымуедфтф Дщищвф Цуфкштп Тщ Лтшслукы Ырщслы еру Згидшс

22 February, 22:08


Yaryna Kutsyna,

Tags: Svetlana Loboda, Ukraine

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