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Anastasia Prihidko broke up with her jealous ​​fiance

1 September, 16:45


After numerous scandals Prihodko broke up with her fiance and father of one and a half year old daughter Nana.

Ukrainian singer Nastya Prihodko broke up with her fiance, Georgian businessman Nurik Kuhilave. Husband's relatives became the reason for the gap. It was reported in the singer's surroundings.

"The parties Nastia visited with her girlfriends or with her concert director. Or she didn't even come. However, lately I haven't seen them together. This time it's a serious break. In my opinion, they are not even living together. Eastern men are very jealous and Nurik never endorse outspoken attires of Nastya", - said the source.

Nastia and her concert director didn't comment on the situation.
Wrong title — Фтфыефышф Зкшршвлщ икщлу гз цшер рук оуфдщгы ​​ашфтсу

1 September, 16:45


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