Natasha Koroliova Wants Lesbian Sex
Russian singer Natasha Koroliova wants lesbian sex. She shared her thoughts with the reporter at the shooting of the 95 Quarter concert in Ukraine Palace.
“I don’t mind having sex with a woman”,- the singer said. Recently, in one of Moscow night clubs Koroliova kissed the dancer.
“I don’t often kiss the girls, that was not an improvisation, but a programme, - the singer explained.- This is part of the performance, that ends with a kiss. We work it out only in specialized places, in gay clubs for instance, where the public is ready to accept this".
Koroliova confessed that she’d never had sex with a woman.
“I haven’t got any sexual experience with a girl, but I think that I should try. Why not? We’re getting old and in this life one must try everything”, - the singer emphasized.
When she was asked what would be the reaction of her second husband, stripper Tarzan, Koroliova didn’t answer. She was called up on the stage.
Wrong title — Тфефырф Лщкщдшщмф Цфтеы Дуыишфт Ыуч
Yaryna Kutsyna,
Tags: Natasha Koroliova, singer
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