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Baskov and Kirkorov fought for million rubles

1 September, 17:35


Masters of Russian scenes staged a hand-play because of money, and scared the whole shooting group.

"Golden Voice of Russia," Nikolai Baskov and pop king Philip Kirkorov staged a disassembly for cherished bills they had to "share" for the cameras. But it all went completely wrong, as organizers sought.

Baskov and Kirkorov, trying to collect all five thousandth pieces of paper, entered the role so much that employees of shooting group had almost to separate them.

"We did not expect that Nicholay and Phillip will make a strife for such amount of money. This was a props for filming, nobody was going to give them money" - told the present at the conflict.

Only later both stars admitted that the event on the set was nothing more than drawing.
Wrong title — Ифылщм фтв Лшклщкщм ащгпре ащк ьшддшщт кгидуы

1 September, 17:35


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