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Loboda passed her breast milk for daughter by plane

2 September, 21:43


Outrageous mother Svetlana Loboda manages to combine work with raising a small daughter Eva. And when the singer was in Italy, she passed breast milk by plane.

As was previously reported, Loboda had a rest in Rome, without her daughter.

"I had to transfer breast milk by plane. The flight detained in Paris, so we were on the phone, trying to do everything possible to prevent milk to go bad," - talked about the regrettable incident Loboda.

"Overall, I was very exhausted about this, but I thought that the most important for child to eat breast milk. My baby will take milk until I can provide her with it" - reminded Svetlana.
Wrong title — Дщищвф зфыыув рук икуфые ьшдл ащк вфгпреук ин здфту

2 September, 21:43


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