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Yolka is afraid to give autographs

2 September, 21:54


Popular singer Yolka refuses to give autographs to her fans.

Taking photos with the fans, The singer flatly refuses to leave handwritten notes. This behavior does not seem strange for brunette - to her mind, in this way her enemies can cause her damage by magic. All requests of her loyal listeners 29-year-old celebrity rejects -

- I specially waited for Yolka to ask her to sign in my notebook - told "Your Day" a fan of the singer Oleg. - But she flatly refused. She says, one can bring her damage!
Wrong title — Нщдлф шы факфшв ещ пшму фгещпкфзры

2 September, 21:54


Today is the name day of:

Athanasius, Cyril, Mary, Markian