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Tina Karol became the best and was plastered

5 September, 10:40


Singer Tina Karol became the best among her colleagues and left the imprint of her hand on the "Stars' Alley".

Tina got the title of "The Best Singer of Ukraine" by magazine "Story". The greatest number of readers' voted for her.

As a reward Karol was able to perpetuate this event with a plaster imprint of her hand on the Stars' Alley in Kiev.

"You can put the imprint of a fist - for a change" - joked the singer at an informal awards ceremony.

In addition to "Best singer" there were also named winners in other categories. "Ukraine's Legend" was Sofia Rotaru, "Television Presenter of the Year" - Alla Mazur, "Best Athlete" - Vitali Klitschko, "Best Rock Band" - "Okean Elzy", "Best Actress" - Olga Sumska.
Wrong title — Ештф Лфкщд иусфьу еру иуые фтв цфы здфыеукув

5 September, 10:40


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