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"Boombox" met Autumn with glass in his hand

6 September, 21:42


"Boombox" presented a video for the song "Sandali" from their new album.

The popular Ukrainian band "Boombox" has presented a video on melancholic song "Sandali" from the new album, which is to be released in November.

In August, the band has finished work on a new album. It will contain songs in Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Recording took place at the studio "From morning to night." The working title of the disc - "SV" (stands for "Sredniy Vek" (middle ages).

Wrong title — @Ищщьищч@ ьуе Фгегьт цшер пдфыы шт ршы рфтв
6 September, 21:42


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