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Philip Kirkorov may go blind

7 September, 23:30


The famous singer has serious health problems.

Shooting of Philip Kirkorov in the new project was about to end with a loud scandal. The fact was, that the singer could not perform his aria. Couplets were very difficult, almost impossible to learn by heart. However, during the filming the prompter was situated a little further than it was at rehearsals.

None of the performers complained, only Philip made ​​the comments. Singer just didn't see the text.

With years Kirkorov's eyesight weakens. Eyes bother him for a long time. Two years ago it became known that the king of Russian pop had serious problems with vision. Once he even appeared in public in the glasses. It was evident that Philip felt uncomfortable. Since then noone saw the artist in the glasses.
Wrong title — Зршдшз Лшклщкщм ьфн пщ идштв

7 September, 23:30


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