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Habenski has radically changed his image

7 September, 23:55


The actor Konstantin Habenski appeared in the theater almost unrecognizable. Recently, he has arrived in Moscow with the filming of "World War Z" - a film adaptation of Max Brooks's novel about an agent of post-war UN Commission.

Habenski worked with Hollywood star Brad Pitt - says

Konstantin has grown a beard on the set, and as we seemed, has got several kilos. He refused to take off glasses in front of television, explaining that he was exhausted and got bruises under his eyes. But we didn't particularly insisted. Habenski with a beard is even more mysterious than without it.
Wrong title — Рфиутылш рфы кфвшсфддн срфтпув ршы шьфпу

7 September, 23:55


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