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Andrei Danilko prepares every morning fried potatoes for Alla Pugachev and Maxim Galkin

11 September, 16:52


Andrei Danilko in Yalta prepares every morning fried potatoes for Alla Pugachev and Maxim Galkin. He told this yesterday after his speech at the international musical festival "Crimea Music Fest."

"I live in the villa "Helen" on the beach. My neighbors are Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin and Christina Orbakajte. Yesterday, in the morning, I wanted fried potatoes very much. I prepared it and invited to the table  all my neighbors. All touted" - he said, according to Gazeta. ua

"After, we drank green tea. We've rested very cute" - added the Andrei.
Wrong title — Фтвкуш Вфтшдлщ зкузфкуы умукн ьщктштп акшув зщефещуы ащк Фддф Згпфсрум фтв Ьфчшь Пфдлшт

11 September, 16:52


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