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Glukoza gave birth to a second child

13 September, 19:38


Popular singer became a mom again. The girl was born in one of the elite clinics in Spain.

- Linda was born here, in Marbella, too. So, I decided to apply to already proven doctors - shared with Life News happy Natasha. - I feel good.

The second pregnancy was difficult for Glukoza. Woman was tortured by toxicosis, but the baby was born at term.

- We have chosen the name for our girl long ago. Her name will be Vira - this is the name of my husband's grandmother - told Life News Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova.

Despite poor health, even in recent months the singer did not stop working - in Spain, she recorded a new album at the studio - wrote
Wrong title — Пдглщяф пфму ишкер ещ ф ыусщтв сршдв

13 September, 19:38


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