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New MacBook Pro

24 February, 17:04


Apple’s souped up its MacBook Pros with the latest Intel dual and quad-core processors, AMD graphics and Thunderbolt 10Gbps connectivity. The 13in MBP comes with a choice of meaty dual-core Core i5 or i7 innards running at up to 2.7GHz with Intel HD Graphics 3000. 

The new 15in and 17in versions run powerhouse quad-core Core i7s, cranking up to 2.3GHz and backed (a bit surprisingly) by AMD Radeon HD graphics with up to 1GB video RAM.

All the new MacBook Pros get the new Thunderbolt I/O ports, allowing two-way transfers at speeds up to 10Gbps, allowing for hi-def video and audio networking. The new Apple laptops also get a better webcam, called FaceTime HD, tripling the resolution of previous models. FaceTime will be pre-installed, saving you a whopping 59p on picking it up from the Mac App Store.
Wrong title — Туц ЬфсИщщл Зкщ

24 February, 17:04


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