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Taisia Povaliy traumatized during the tour

19 September, 00:21


Singer Taisia Povaliy got injured during the tour. The star did not notice the step, fell and injured her knee.

Now the singer is limping and has to perform with a bandaged foot, write "Stars' Secrets".

Bandage on her leg Taisia was noticed when Taisia's dress accidentally raised.

"I always go on stage with a big fear" - confessed Povaliy

"But I believe that nothing will happen to me. I have a very strong guardian angel. My mom also prays every day for me. And my friend, a cardiologist-bioenergetic says: "Nothing in this life can hurt you, Taya", - told the star.
Wrong title — Ефшышф Зщмфдшн екфгьфешяув вгкштп еру ещгк

19 September, 00:21


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