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Rihanna Earns $ 8k A Minute

28 February, 14:16


Rihanna earnt over $8000 a minute for a gig in the States. Famous Barbados singer got paid $500,000 for an hour-long performance in Florida.
Rihanna managed to get over $8k a minute for performing at a charity gala in front of just 600 guests, in aid of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
The VIP guests have forked out up to $200,000 for a table of 10 at the glitzy event, which was held Donald Trump’s 58-bedroom mansion in Palm Beach. Even the cheapest seats cost $2,000 each.
Famous for her bright style and love to show off her sexuality, the 22-year-old beauty not only performed at the gig, but also released video for Kanye West's new single All Of The Lights.
Last year Rihanna triggered a number of complaints after she’d appeared in a very open outfit at X Factor performance.
Recently BBC decided to considerably change Rihanna’s new single “S&M” . Her video for the “S&M” where she appears almost naked in latex tying a man to a bed, is banned in 11 countries.
Wrong title — Кшрфттф Уфкты ; 8л Ф Ьштгеу

28 February, 14:16


Yara Carpenter,

Tags: Rihanna, USA, Money

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