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“The Hobbit’s” Director Peter Jackson Released From Hospital

1 March, 14:41


Peter Jackson has been released from a New Zealand hospital after undergoing surgery for a perforated ulcer. Now he will continue to recuperate at home. 

According to a statement from the production team with The Hobbit: 

“Sir Peter’s surgery is not expected to impact on his directing commitment to The Hobbit beyond a slight delay to the start of filming.”

Melissa Booth, his representative, states that delays in filming on The Hobbit should be minimal. She also said that Jackson thanked hospital staff and fans who’d wished him a speedy recovery.
Wrong title — “Еру Рщиише’ы” Вшкусещк Зуеук Офслыщт Кудуфыув Акщь Рщызшефд

1 March, 14:41


Today is the name day of:

Athanasius, Cyril, Mary, Markian