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A Letter From Jamala

8 March, 11:46


Dear friends!

Due to unbelievable amount of letters which I’m receiving these days from all around the Europe I decided to share couple of thoughts with all of you, wherever you are.

Once again, I wish to thank you for your trust and support. Without you my music wouldn’t be what it is – music fulfilled with love to people and small things we do not notice so often, as we should. It really is for every heart and every mood. Just a few months ago I couldn’t even imagine that I’ll have such a sincere, trustful and devoted audience.

Using this opportunity I kindly ask you to accept my apologies and please try to understand that I simply cannot cease to be myself. As said before, I only do things in which I believe, and so should each and every one of us.

Things which happened during and after the National selection contest in my country cause nothing but sadness and disappointing. I want to move along and stay dedicated to my music and my beloved audience. That’s what keeps me positive and gives me strength to continue.

Also, please do not trust to any gossips regarding “Jamala will represent other country”. There is absolutely no chance that I’ll do that. I’m from Ukraine and that is my homeland – the only I could represent.
Thank you for being with me during these hard times. I hope that in future my music will bring you as much joy and love as “Smile” did. Enjoy my new album in couple of weeks and you’ll understand what I mean ;-)
Wish you all cheerful, positive and quality Eurovision 2011,

Much love and happiness,
Yours Jamala
Wrong title — Ф Дуееук Акщь Офьфдф

8 March, 11:46


Today We Celebrate

International Day of "Four Eyed"

Today is the name day of:

Arkhip, Eugene, Makarov, Maxim, Fedot, Filimon