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Ex Fabrika Girl Fails Eurovision and Gets Nude

22 December, 18:28


A singer called Erika didn't get into the Euro-vision Song Contest in 2010 but she still has to carry on. Ex contestant of Ukrainian Star Factory ( Fabrika Zirok) decided that it's high time she'd revealed her body.

Ex "Fabrika Girl" Erika, who was produced by Kostiantin Meladze, has undressed for a popular men's magazine.

As the 22 year old brunette states, she has made a gift for all her fans.

I wrap a red ribbon around the magazine and send it as a New Year gift! "Let them scold, criticise, enjoy and just analyse", - Erika says.

The issue with the young brunette on the cover will be the first in 2012.

The girl states that it was her first time nude photo shoot.

" To be honest, I hesitated for a long time, but there was some kind of a turning point, when I realised that the time had come. I had promised myself that I'd have a similar photo shoot only when I was ready both physically and mentally. Recently I've been working a lot on my body and my appearance. So, I thought that the time had come...

All the photos are aesthetic and emphasise my femininity"- the singer says.
Wrong title — Уч Афикшлф Пшкд Афшды Угкщмшышщт фтв Пуеы Тгву

22 December, 18:28


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