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Volochkova Demonstrates Her Stretching To Baskov in Moscow and No Plans to Live in Kyiv

22 December, 18:33


Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova and Russian tenor Nikolai Baskov admitted their romantic relationship. Besides, the dancer denied rumours of buying property in Kyiv.

" We've been as a family for a while", - the stars said in their interview for " NTV"

Nikolai even admitted that he loved the stretching Anastasia was showing him. " Kolia's attention is very pleasant to me, we are united by many things, we're just so close," - the dancer says.

Although the most important confession of the couple is in the following. " You promised me a son" - Nikolai said referring to Nastia.

Volochkova's mother seems to have already agreed to accept Baskov as her son in law.

Recently, Volochkova attended a charity auction in Kyiv called " Stars in Oil". That was where she was asked about buying a property in the capital of Ukraine. Nastia was a little shocked by this information.

" I don't know what caused the rumours about me buying a flat in Kyv. Definitely,
I love Kyiv and maybe one day I'll have a flat there, but at the moment I'm staying at the Hyatt hotel which i like a lot", - Volochkova says.
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22 December, 18:33


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