Ani Lorak Accused of Plagiarism
Recently there have been rumours in media that one of Ani Lorak's hits is a plagiarism of the song by a Greek artist. However, a spokesperson for Ani Lorak denies that this is true.
A song by Ani Lorak " Solnce" has been said to have shown a similarity to a song by Irene Mercury from Greece.
The composer of the hit is a Greek - Dimitris Kontopulus
Nevertheless, Lorak's PR representatives refute the claims.
" Ani Lorak is the only legal owner of the song " Solnce". The song's composer is Dimitris Kontopulos", - the PR representatives assured.
In fact, it is unknown when exactly the song performed by the Greek singer was composed and whether it happened before Lorak's " Solnce".
A song by Ani Lorak " Solnce" has been said to have shown a similarity to a song by Irene Mercury from Greece.
The composer of the hit is a Greek - Dimitris Kontopulus
Nevertheless, Lorak's PR representatives refute the claims.
" Ani Lorak is the only legal owner of the song " Solnce". The song's composer is Dimitris Kontopulos", - the PR representatives assured.
In fact, it is unknown when exactly the song performed by the Greek singer was composed and whether it happened before Lorak's " Solnce".
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Tags: Ani Lorak, Plagiarism
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