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The Bookmakers Announce The Winner of Eurovision

15 March, 11:36


British bookmakers offering their betting odds for the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest, which is held in Dusseldorf 10-14 May.
Norway tops at Bet365, with a song “Haba haba” by Stella Mvangi. Next goes Russia and its representative Alexei Vorobiev with a song “ Get you” and the third place is for Estonian Getter Yani singing "Rockefeller Street".
Contestants from Germany, Azerbaijan, Denmark, Bosnia, Ireland, Greece and Armenia are on top 10.
Last three years the bookmakers have never made mistake naming the winner. And Ukraine is not even on the top 10 in their prognosis.
Mika Newton is representing Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest this year.
Wrong title — Еру Ищщльфлукы Фттщгтсу Еру Цшттук ща Угкщмшышщт

15 March, 11:36


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