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Tag: "Kazaky"Tag: "Kazaky" (1-2)
  • From KAZAKY With LOVE Ukrainian “boys” band KAZAKY presented their new video shot by well known clip maker Evgen Timokhin.

    22 February, 21:36

  • LOVE - premiere by KAZAKY The Kazaky project announced the music video premiere called LOVE, which is to take place on the day, most appropriate to the song’s name, February 14. It was shot by Eugenii Timokhin, who also created the previous clip for the group. As usual, the Kazaky video is notorious for the brevity, elegant choreography, elaborated clothing, hypersexuality, flamboyant manners and high heels.

    14 February, 18:45

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Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian