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Making Love is Anna Sedokova’s Favourite Passtime

21 March, 19:31


Recently Sedokova married a businessman Maxim Chernyavskiy. The wedding was in secret from the public and right after the ceremony the newlywed went on a honeymoon.

Now the singer is living in the US together with her husband, as planned before.

“ Well, now it’s time to “ open cards”! I’ve been staying in my favourite Los Angeles for a week already – enjoying sun and making love… yes- yes!”- Sedokova writes in her blog.
Wrong title — Ьфлштп Дщму шы Фттф Ыувщлщмф’ы Афмщгкшеу Зфыыешьу

21 March, 19:31


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World Poetry Day

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Kuzma, Lev, Flavian