Tag: "Anna Sedokova"Tag: "Anna Sedokova" (1-4)
Anna Sedokova did surgery for breast augmentation Former member of the popular trio "VIA Gra" Tatiana Naynyk gave a scandalous interview in which she told all secrets of the group.
21 August, 23:07
Is Anna Sedokova a mother already? It's very possible that the former soloist of group "VIA Gra" Anna Sedokova became a mom again. At least in July, 26th she Twitted:
28 July, 11:57
Making Love is Anna Sedokova’s Favourite Passtime Recently Sedokova married a businessman Maxim Chernyavskiy. The wedding was in secret from the public and right after the ceremony the newlywed went on a honeymoon.
21 March, 19:31
Potap calls Mogilevska A Bitch and Sedokova A Loser Potap and Mogilevska had an argument during the TV show recording, when there was the sixth time when the female singer was shooting her performance up till 5am, which made Potab get furious and he asked her to stop.
23 February, 11:38
Today We Celebrate
World Poetry Day
Today is the name day of:
Kuzma, Lev, Flavian