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Anna Sedokova did surgery for breast augmentation

21 August, 23:07


Former member of the popular trio "VIA Gra" Tatiana Naynyk gave a scandalous interview in which she told all secrets of the group.

She admitted that a major requirement of producers is sexuality of girls. When Tatiana was forced to lose weight and control her diet, the other soloists had to go under the knife. For example, Tatiana admitted that ex-member Anna Sedokova did surgery for breast augmentation.

"When I was in the band no one was sent to plastic, and I have my own fourth size. Anya Sedokova and Albina had initially small bust. They used a substrate, but on the stage they always peeked out. Then they made ​​the surgery"- said Tatiana Naynyk. The girls lived like in the colony while being in the band: step left - escape, jump on the spot - an attempt to fly - writes
Wrong title — Фттф Ыувщлщмф вшв ыгкпукн ащк икуфые фгпьутефешщт

21 August, 23:07


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