Tag: "VIA GRA"Tag: "VIA GRA" (1-3)
Anna Sedokova did surgery for breast augmentation Former member of the popular trio "VIA Gra" Tatiana Naynyk gave a scandalous interview in which she told all secrets of the group.
21 August, 23:07
"VIA Gra" Eva Bushmina eats in fast food The youngest member of the group "VIA Gra" Eva Bushmina wants a boyfriend who'd be a businessman and a romantic in one person, and eats in fast food.
17 August, 18:46
VIA Gra is breaking up The sexiest band is about to collapse this fall, according to latest rumors.
27 July, 19:46
Today We Celebrate
World Poetry Day
Today is the name day of:
Kuzma, Lev, Flavian