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"VIA Gra" Eva Bushmina eats in fast food

17 August, 18:46


The youngest member of the group "VIA Gra" Eva Bushmina wants a boyfriend who'd be a businessman and a romantic in one person, and eats in fast food.

"I always wanted to meet the man whose profession won't be creative, but he'd perceive my profession and would be very tender. It can be a businessman, but all such people plan everything, and I want him to be romantic and not stale man"- confessed Bushmina E-motion.

As you know, one of the best friends of Bushmina is the singer Nastya Kamenskih.

"... We can ride bicycles, as well as drop in cafes. We have our’s full swing. We eat at McDonald's and other cheap places" - confirmed the "VIA-Gra."
Wrong title — @МШФ Пкф@ Умф Игырьштф уфеы шт афые ащщв

17 August, 18:46


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