Potap calls Mogilevska A Bitch and Sedokova A Loser
Potap and Mogilevska had an argument during the TV show recording, when there was the sixth time when the female singer was shooting her performance up till 5am, which made Potab get furious and he asked her to stop.
The singers were quarrelling, saying various things to each other and then Potap wrote in his Twitter that Mogilevska’s a bitch. Later, of course, he apologized and wrote that he didn’t really mean that. But will that help him?
This is not the last scandal that the rapper has been involved in. Another conflict occurred with Anna Sedokova, whom he’d called a loser during the shooting of Star+Star TV Show.
Now Potap says “ You’ll get a punch up your face if you criticize Sedokova”, and now he’s not gonna do that as after the incident Anna got married and now she has protectors, and Potap is not just a star, but a father and must think about the future.
Some time ago he was beaten up by Bolshoi, Aliona Vinnitskaya’s husband, because the rapper hadn’t controlled his language.
Wrong title — Зщефз сфдды Ьщпшдумылф Ф Ишеср фтв Ыувщлщмф Ф Дщыук
Yaryna Kutsyna, Navsi100.com
Tags: Potap, TV show, Aliona Vinnitskaya, Twitter, Mogilevskaya, Anna Sedokova
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