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Mariah Carey Giving Birth to Twins on her Birthday!

28 March, 18:26


On March 28, 2011, exactly on her birthday, Mariah Carey wrote in her twitter account that she’d started having contractions. Future parents worked hard and remade half of their house specially for the children.

“ Mariah wanted to have ivory painted walls and decorate them with 18-carat gold, put soft furniture and built-in wardrobes full of  Petit Tresor designer clothes , - a source says. – There will be the best audio system, everyone will have diamond decorated Ipod and flat screen TV, which will be descending from the ceiling”. 

Apart from that, Mariah and Nick have bought new beds from Chelsea USD 2200 each, baby changing table for  USD 2800, chairs for Mariah and Nick USD 2270 each, which will be in a children’s room and a sofa for 1 million dollars.

Recently the couple threw a Pink and Blue party ( as it is known, they’ll have a boy and a girl) to celebrate her pregnancy
Wrong title — Ьфкшфр Сфкун Пшмштп Ишкер ещ Ецшты щт рук Ишкервфн!

28 March, 18:26


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