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Tag: "Mariah Carey"Tag: "Mariah Carey" (1-2)
  • Mariah Carey Giving Birth to Twins on her Birthday! On March 28, 2011, exactly on her birthday, Mariah Carey wrote in her twitter account that she’d started having contractions. Future parents worked hard and remade half of their house specially for the children.

    28 March, 18:26

  • Ani Lorak’s “SUN” program now on DVD! On March, 24th 2010, after Ukrainian concert tour (which included more then 20 cities of our native country), the national actress of Ukraine, Ani Lorak present her SUN program in Kiev.

    3 February, 18:02

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Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian