Loboda knocked up by a dancer

A 28 -year-old Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda is four months pregnant. The upcoming baby's father is a dancer Andriy Tsar, with whom the singer has been in a relationship for over a year, according to newspaper " Segodnia".
" It's definitely not the news that Sveta would like to share with public. Maybe it will be in some time. But now Sveta refuses to talk about her state",- the newspaper cites the words of people close to the singer.
The newspaper states that in October 2010 Svetlana Loboda confessed that she wouldn't mind to have a child, but marriage was not in her plans at all. Although the singer is not going to leave stage for motherhood and family life.
" I won't put mic on the hook that's for sure", - Svetlana Loboda said.- I'll just go on a short leave and be back". Previously the singer shared that she'd like to have twins or a boy and a girl in differnt time.
" I like name Lolita. I think that a girl must be the first. Although, the most important is health. Quite recently I saw a film " London" and I liked the female name London very much, it sounds very nice".
Wrong title — Дщищвф лтщслув гз ин ф вфтсук
Yaryna Kutsyna, Navsi100.com
Tags: Svetlana Loboda, pregnant
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