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Tag: "pregnant"Tag: "pregnant" (1-3)
  • 9 Month Pregnant Loboda Shooting Video Loboda and Evgen Timokhin started shooting video for a song “Spasibo”, which had been composed by the pregnant singer and dedicated to a new state of her life – anticipating the miracle.

    1 April, 00:16

  • Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak declines “ Pregnant” photo session Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak declines “Pregnant” photo session. Despite the fact that many stars participated in similar activity, Svetlana Loboda in particular, Ani Lorak refuses to take part in this kind of photo session ,- reports.

    8 March, 11:30

  • Loboda knocked up by a dancer A 28 -year-old Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda is four months pregnant. The upcoming baby's father is a dancer Andriy Tsar, with whom the singer has been in a relationship for over a year, according to newspaper " Segodnia".

    20 January, 00:13

Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian