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Naked Pugacheva shocked the famous Russian singer

2 July, 13:25


The front man of the band "Dyskoteka Avariya" Mykola Tymofeev felt a real shock when he saw the bare Prima Donna. 

He bumped into her completely by accident. The band went on tour and in one of the city Timofeev had been invited to attend a private art gallery. He had decided that it was a pretty good idea, so he went to the exhibition. He didn't even guess what beauty awaited him there..

The gallery was rich in art objects. Timofeev was curiously passing over rooms, until he reached the hall with paintings. There he was shocked by one of the masterpiece! Timofeev confesses that he'll remember for a long time the picture, which made him freeze..

On the painting there was sitting Alla Pugacheva with Kremlin and flying roses on the background. The shocking fact was that Pugacheva was completely naked! Anyone would have lost the ability to move if one saw such picture. Gallery employee immediately jumped to the singer and began to sell the picture to him for ridiculous prices. Mykola barely had time to cut and run - writes
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2 July, 13:25


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