Tag: "Pugacheva"Tag: "Pugacheva" (1-4)
Pugacheva waits for the invitation from the "real man" to become the politician Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva is ready to become Russian politician, as soon as the leader of the party "Pravoe Delo" Mikhail Prokhorov invites her. She thinks that he is a "real man" and very kind person, because he has grown up with her songs.
6 September, 21:21
Pugacheva marries Galkin every year Russian singer Alla Pugacheva has denied rumors her marriage with humorist Maxim Galkin.
10 August, 23:43
Pugacheva arranged family dinner To gather all the dearest people in Moscow is not so easy. Because each has its own worries - touring, recording and filming.
9 August, 14:55
Naked Pugacheva shocked the famous Russian singer The front man of the band "Dyskoteka Avariya" Mykola Tymofeev felt a real shock when he saw the bare Prima Donna.
2 July, 13:25
Today We Celebrate
World Poetry Day
Today is the name day of:
Kuzma, Lev, Flavian