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Pugacheva marries Galkin every year

10 August, 23:43


Russian singer Alla Pugacheva has denied rumors her marriage with humorist Maxim Galkin.

Her objection diva expressed in "Komsomolskaya pravda".

"No, this is not true. We hadn't a wedding with Maksim" - said Pugacheva.

Recall that recently the newspaper "Today" wrote that Pugacheva oficially married Galkin.

However, as can be seen, Alla isn't going to register her relationship with  humorist.
Anyway, the public has already used to the rumors about the singer wedding. Because the press marries Pugacheva and Galkin off almost every year.

Wrong title — Згпфсрумф ьфккшуы Пфдлшт умукн нуфк

10 August, 23:43


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