Pugacheva waits for the invitation from the "real man" to become the politician
Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva is ready to become Russian politician, as soon as the leader of the party "Pravoe Delo" Mikhail Prokhorov invites her. She thinks that he is a "real man" and very kind person, because he has grown up with her songs.
Singer told this for "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Yalta at the music festival, where she was the main organizator.
"In recent years, I don't follow all this. There are the same names in politics, everything like in show business. Recently, I've interested again. And it's because finally a real guy appeared in politics, who is ready to do something for the country. Now, I am talking about Mihail Prohorov, "- said Pugacheva.
Alla also noted that she is familiar to the politician and oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov long ago and she emphasised his honesty.
"... I am generally confident that Prokhorov by definition can not be a bad man - he grew up with my songs" - persuades diva.
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