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Scientists advise to replace sex with bananas and nicotine

6 July, 19:34


Scientists say that sex can be replaced. During coitus a body produces hormones that bring pleasure (dopamine) and improve mood (serotonin). Orgasm helps endorphins (hormones of happiness) to be released in the blood.

Through this set of psychotropic substances sex is called a recipe from depression and the safest tranquilizer in the world, says But one can get these hormones in other way.

Special diet will help to increase the level of serotonin. Bananas, figs, chocolate, milk and fatty fish are necessary for this.

You can also increase the level of serotonin by medicines. In addition, alcohol increases it too, not for long.

Foods can increase the level of dopamine, and the effect is the same as from sex.Nicotine also promotes the elaboration of dopamine. Shopping is one more alternative.

Moreover, the quantity of hormones does not depend on the number of purchases, but on their anticipation. Sweets, laugh, sport exercises and art raise the level of endorphins - writes 
Wrong title — Ысшутешыеы фвмшыу ещ куздфсу ыуч цшер ифтфтфы фтв тшсщешту

6 July, 19:34


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