Tag: "science"Tag: "science" (1-4)
Filter that protects against radiation U.S. chemists have developed a new material Slug-26, which filters in water negatively charged ions of pollutants, including radioactive.
14 September, 19:57
American scientists about relationships It turns out that as American scientists from the University of California have recently discovered, a man, choosing a mate, isn't looking for his contradiction, as previously thought, but rather similar to himself either by look, or by nature or status in society or even by several features simultaneously.
28 July, 21:23
Scientists advise to replace sex with bananas and nicotine Scientists say that sex can be replaced.
6 July, 19:34
The Origin of Life on Earth - Mystery Revealed: All People Are Aliens The scientists got new information on how life on Earth began. The latest study, which focused on a class of meteorites that fell on to the Antarctic ice sheet, suggests that life's origins may have been extraterrestrial.
2 March, 14:29
Today We Celebrate
World Poetry Day
Today is the name day of:
Kuzma, Lev, Flavian