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Dima Bilan went to the village

7 July, 20:33


Famous singer Dima Bilan became a hero of film fairy tale "Old Clock", where he acted absolutely for free.

The plot of the film is next: students come on vacations to the village to their grandmothers and accidentally find a clock, which carries out the desire. Besides new fashion phones young heroes immediately order Dima Bilan to their party.

Bilan had to come to the village Ustia, near Zvenigorod. According to the scenario, singer carried the cherished desire of children, but in real life Bilan pleased his fan - old mistress of the house, where filming took place - writes

"I wish I knew, I would call my friends!" - the woman was very glad and she asked Dima plenty of autographs, to keep a reserve.
Wrong title — Вшьф Ишдфт цуте ещ еру мшддфпу

7 July, 20:33


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