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Tag: "Dima Bilan"Tag: "Dima Bilan" (1-4)
  • Dima Bilan presented a new single Russian singer pleased their fans with a new song.

    13 September, 19:46

  • Dima Bilan went to the village Famous singer Dima Bilan became a hero of film fairy tale "Old Clock", where he acted absolutely for free.

    7 July, 20:33

  • Dima Bilan Goes To Space Yana Rudkovska, the singer’s producer, informed about his plans. According to her, Dima not only wants to go to space but also to sing there. It’s interesting who else dreams to sing for the aliens?

    27 February, 16:17

  • Bilan Severely Beaten! Dima Bilan was severely beaten in one of Moscow night clubs. Thesinger’s health is nothing to worry about as all that has happened ina video for a song “ I just love you”. See the video.

    4 February, 11:17

Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian