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Dima Bilan Goes To Space

27 February, 16:17


Yana Rudkovska, the singer’s producer, informed about his plans. According to her, Dima not only wants to go to space but also to sing there. It’s interesting who else dreams to sing for the aliens?
The singer started collecting money for his expensive dream which would cost him $ 20 million. Some of his competitors wish Dima’s plans came true and he stayed there forever…
Dima mentioned about his interest for the space in many of his interviews:
“I’d like to know more about the space and be able to talk more about it, - Dima admitted.- By the way, I’ve got subscribed for all BBC news on space.- It’s extremely interesting”.
Wrong title — Вшьф Ишдфт Пщуы Ещ Ызфсу

27 February, 16:17


Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian