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Russian youth outdoors collects money for killing Timati

12 August, 19:48


In the center of Ekaterinburg people are raising money "for the murder" of two representatives of modern pop culture. At proceeds two unknown Ural activists want to eliminate Russian rapper Timati and Canadian musician Bieber.

In order to collect money they involved the surest way - asking passers-by. The potential "killer cells" located near TC "Assumption", reports "New Region". These are two young people, with a piece of cardboard near their feet where you can read: "For the murder of Timati and Bieber." Name of the second artist prescribed below and with very tiny letters. Apparently, money collectors decided that young Canadian singer is not familiar to a wide range of Russians.

Young people refuse to identify themselves. When asked why they needed to kill Timati succinctly answer: "Because he irritates us." 

"We've started to collect money forty minutes ago. First, we want to gain four thousand rubles for tickets to Moscow. And there we'll see," - said one of the guys.

To the question - how much they believe it is necessary to implement all plans, they answer: "Two million."

Tomorrow young people are going to come back to TC "Assumption" and continue fundraising. They argue that "for Timati's murder" passersby give money willingly: "First, they go in bad mood, then see the words, smile and throw a trifle."
Wrong title — Кгыышфт нщгер щгевщщкы сщддусеы ьщтун ащк лшддштп Ешьфеш

12 August, 19:48


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