Tag: "Timati"Tag: "Timati" (1-4)
Timati is going to be a president Timati said that he was tired of show business and he's going to go into politics.
19 September, 01:18
Timati paid almost 100 thousand dollars for his birthday party On August 15 Timati celebrated its 28th anniversary. Resort town Saint-Tropez once a year is going through culture shock in the middle of August. It was another party from Timati.
22 August, 17:20
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Russian youth outdoors collects money for killing Timati In the center of Ekaterinburg people are raising money "for the murder" of two representatives of modern pop culture. At proceeds two unknown Ural activists want to eliminate Russian rapper Timati and Canadian musician Bieber.
12 August, 19:48
Timati's wife left him At the end of a recent concert the singer confessed from the stage that his personal life changed a little bit.
23 July, 01:26
Today We Celebrate
World Poetry Day
Today is the name day of:
Kuzma, Lev, Flavian