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Tag: "Okean Elzy"Tag: "Okean Elzy" (1-3)
  • Vakarchuk Tells the Future of " Okean Elzy" Vakarchuk confessed to " TSN-Special" what music he's listening to in his car and from which alcohol he wouldn't refuse.

    22 December, 18:30

  • Babkin and Shurov take part in new project of Vakarchuk In a new solo project of the leader of "Ocean Elzy" Svyatoslav Vakarchuk involved a former soloist of the group «5'nizza» Sergey Babkin and keyboardist of Esthetic Education (previously played in OE) Dmitry Shurov .

    17 August, 13:34

  • Nightingale's solo. Okean Elzy Just recently information that "Kyiv nightingale" Svyatoslav Vakarchuk began work on his new solo project became available. He Twitted about that:

    29 July, 23:17

Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian