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Vakarchuk Tells the Future of " Okean Elzy"

22 December, 18:30


Vakarchuk confessed to " TSN-Special" what music he's listening to in his car and from which alcohol he wouldn't refuse.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk talks about personal, but is always joking and telling funny stories.

" I don't like bath, I prefer shower. When I'm too tired I don't go to the bathroom very often. In the swimming pool I used to swim and sing until water gets into my mouth, - Vakarchuk jokes, but later on confesses, that he's also singing while having shower.

" Very often there are situations when I start whistling and people tell me not to do it, because according to a superstition I won't have money. I keep saying that in my song " Bez Boyu" ( Without a Battle) there is whistling and I'm getting additionally paid for it", - he goes on.

His only cooking skill is making scrambled eggs, but he loves good food and doesn't refuse from alcohol.

Vakarchuk's music taste is not surprising: in his car he's listening to his new band called Brussels.

" I sent a link to my dad where he could download the music, maybe he has already done it. He wrote that he would do it himself",- Svyatoslav says.

He doesn't talk much about the future of " Okean Elzy", but states that the destiny of the "oceans" is in the hands of all the participants:

" Will Okean Elzy exist or not depends primarily on the band which consists of 5 people and all 5 have the right to decide its fate. I keep on releasing new projects and everyone thinks: that's it, it's impossible. I understand that we all are so correct and honest and when a man married a woman and a woman married a man and when somebody else y their side everyone thinks that the couple will divorce. Thank God in music it's a bit different, one can do many different things at the same time. That is just a side project."

Vakarchuk doesn't like to talk about his private life but talks about music enthusiastically.
Wrong title — Мфлфксргл Еудды еру Агегку ща @ Щлуфт Удян@

22 December, 18:30


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